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Objects and Schemas For Your Connector

This guide will help you understand the various objects that a connector will provide and how to properly attribute them in your connector. You can always run xchange extract command to view (connector.json file) the schemas being generated locally before being submitted to Xchange. Please read this guide in its entirety as missing or improper attributes represent a common reason a submission is rejected.

Primary Key Attribute

Data objects in a Connector acts as a representation of resources on the target system. Xchange needs to be able to uniquely identify records coming from the target system in order to be able to support change detection and give users of the Connector a reliable way to look up records when supporting integration logic.

The way records are uniquely identified is through the use of its respective data object's key definition via the PrimaryKey attribute.

Defining a Key

When defining a key for a data object it should be composed of properties that are not optional or nullable. Ideally you use the same property(s) that is used by your system for tenanting uniqueness. Take the following record for example of an Employee resource.

    "id": 123,
    "firstName": "John",
    "middleName": null,
    "lastName": "Smith"

When it comes to defining your data object it could look as follows

[PrimaryKey("id", "id")]
[Description("The representation of an employee")]
public class EmployeeDataObject
    public required long Id { get; init; }
    public required string FirstName { get; init; }
    public string? MiddleName { get; init; }
    public required string LastName { get; init; }
A Note About Property Names

The values used for property names should be in the casing that they are when serialized into JSON

In this case here the name of the data object key is called id and it is composed of the Id property. The name of the key provides a way to identify the key as it is possible to define multiple keys on a single data object definition.

Simply using id as the name on all PrimaryKey attributes on each defined data object is fine

Composite Keys

It is possible to not be able to define uniqueness from only one property and instead need to compose multiple properties together to do so. Take for example a employee record again but this time the records are tenanted by a division and each division has their own identifier. A record could look like as follows:

    "id": 123,
    "division": "accounting",
    "firstName": "John",
    "middleName": null,
    "lastName": "Smith"

We would then want its key to resolve as id/accounting/123. To do that we would define our data object as follows:

[PrimaryKey("id", "division", "id")]
[Description("The representation of an employee")]
public class EmployeeDataObject
    public required long Id { get; init; }
    public required string Division { get; init; }
    public required string FirstName { get; init; }
    public string? MiddleName { get; init; }
    public required string LastName { get; init; }

Available Attributes

The main JSON attributes we provide fall into two categories: metadata and validation. The metadata attributes are more for clarity in terms of how the properties are represented and what they are for. The validation attributes are used for validating that the data that is provided for the objects meets the requirements of what should be provided.

This is not exhaustive, but it provides the most common use cases. For more see json-everything's Schema Generation

Metadata Attributes

  • Title: The title attribute gives us a value that can be used in place of the property name. Used to improve readability if the property name is abbreviated or lacking context to the property or class.
  • Description: The description attribute gets used to give the user more information on what the property is, hopefully making it more clear how to populate it.
  • JsonPropertyName: Allows you to override the property name that will be chosen when the object gets serialized to JSON. (Only for properties)

An Example of the usage of the attributes on an object and a property:

[Title("Equipment V1 Action Processor Configuration")]
[Description("Configuration of the data object actions for the module.")]
public class EquipmentV1ActionProcessorConfig
    [Title("Add Equipment Action handler Configuration")]
    [Description("Configuration object for the add equipment action.")]
    public AddEquipmentHandlerConfig AddEquipmentConfig { get; init; }

JsonPropertyName Attribute

You should also keep in mind that due to the nature of JSON Serialization, if you don't set a desired JsonPropertyName to your properties with a specific casing, they will be cast into camelCase by default when the metadata is extracted.

According to the json-everything's Schema Generation documentation, the commonly-used casing conventions are:

  • camelCase
  • PascalCase
  • kebab-case
  • snake_case

If you want your properties to keep a specific casing, the JsonPropertyName can help you with that.

[JsonPropertyName("AddEquipmentConfig")] // PascalCase example
public AddEquipmentHandlerConfig AddEquipmentConfig { get; init; }

[JsonPropertyName("add-equipment-config")] // kebab-case example
public AddEquipmentHandlerConfig AddEquipmentConfig { get; init; }

[JsonPropertyName("ADD-EQUIPMENT-CONFIG")] // UPPER-KEBAB-CASE example
public AddEquipmentHandlerConfig AddEquipmentConfig { get; init; }

[JsonPropertyName("add_equipment_config")] // snake_case example
public AddEquipmentHandlerConfig AddEquipmentConfig { get; init; }

[JsonPropertyName("ADD_EQUIPMENT_CONFIG")] // UPPER_SNAKE_CASE example
public AddEquipmentHandlerConfig AddEquipmentConfig { get; init; }
Usage of PropertyNameCaseInsenstive

In the context of using JsonSerializerOptions in integrations, it is not desired to ignore casing for property names. Properties should explicitly define their casing using [JsonPropertyName]. This approach ensures that the schema generated for the Connector metadata matches the target system, preventing integration issues.

Incorrect Usage

new JsonSerializerOptions
    PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true

Correct Usage

Define the casing in the object properties:

public class Example
    public string PropertyName { get; set; }

A Connector is represented on Xchange by its metadata, which includes the schema for data objects and action inputs/outputs. If the schema does not match the target system's output, it will result in integration issues due to an inaccurate contract. Explicitly defining property names ensures consistency and accuracy.

Nullable Attribute

Can be set to tell whether or not the property can be nullable. By default the JSON schema generation sets the properties to not be nullable. Even if you mark the property type with a ? to indicate it is nullable at compile time, you will still need to set this attribute to true on the property for the schema generation to recognize it as nullable.

public Guid? CategoryId { get; set; }

JsonIgnore Attribute

This attribute can be used to avoid sending a null value to an optional property on the target system API. For example, if you had an optional property CategoryId that only accepted the type string and not null you could implement that as below:

[JsonIgnore(Condition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull)]
public string? categoryId { get; set; }

Note that the JsonIgnore attribute would still keep the property in schema, it is only used when serializing instances of the object.

Required Attribute

There may be properties on your object that have to be provided, such as a property used as record's identifier or when creating/updating (action input) a record on your system.

public required Guid Id { get; set; }
public required string FirstName { get; set; }
public string? MiddleName { get; set; }
public required string LastName { get; set; }

WriteOnly Attribute

There may be properties in your object that are used for sensitive data such as personally identifiable information (PII). Adding this attribute means that the value of the property will be obscured on our Xchange platform. Users with permission can toggle to view this value.

For example, a property like 'Passport Number' could be marked as WriteOnly to ensure its value is only visible to authorized users.

public int PassportNumber { get; set; }

Validation Attributes

Below is an outline of additional attributes that can be used to further enforce business logic you may have on your objects. This is not an exhaustive list of everything possible. You can view the library's documentation for more usages

String Validation Attributes

  • MaxLength(int): Allows a maximum length to be set for the property
  • MinLength(int): Allows a minimum length to be set for the property
  • Pattern(string): Allows a regex to be applied to a property to make sure that the value matches the pattern.
[MaxLength(5), MinLength(3)]
public string CostCenter { get; set; }

public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }

Number Validation Attributes

  • Maximum: Sets the maximum value a property can be set to.
  • Minimum: Sets the minimum value a property can be set to.
[Maximum(500), Minimum(1)]
public int Length { get; set; }

Objects to attribute

Connectors work on different kinds of resources:

  • Data Objects
  • Action Objects
  • Service Configuration
  • Connection Registration Configuration

Below is a brief overview of these resources

Data Objects

For the data objects that are uploaded into the cache, the schema is used for validation that it is properly formed before it's entered into the cache. In addition it should mean that all data in the cache matches the schema.

Schema validation happens on the Xchange platform when ingesting new records.

Action Objects

For your action objects, the ones that implement the IAction<> interface, the reference types that are used for the input, output, and failure cases. All of these will be validated when passed to the Xchange platform. It will allow you and your integrators to know when any of the objects are not properly formed.

In addition to the validation, the metadata attributes will help those building integrations or testing flows better understand what the properties are for.

Schema validation happens on the Xchange platform when queuing or closing out an action instance.

Service Configuration

The service configurations are created when an new module is created for your connector, and there will be one for each type of service: Cache writer configuration and Action Processor configuration

Similar to the Connector Registration Configuration in that the title and description are used for clarity, and validation is used to make sure that the service is properly configured prior to execution. Some additional notes on both kinds of configuration are below:

Cache Writer

This configuration by default will contain a Configuration property for each data object of type CacheWriterObjectConfig. If you want to allow more configuration for your data objects, you can extend this configuration type and add additional properties.

The CacheWriterObjectConfig property is necessary because it provides a property UploadObject that gives the user with a way to enable/disable that particular data object's cache writer from uploading data to the cache. A connector may contain a large number of data objects, and it's quite possible an integration is only going to need a subset of those objects. This allows the data types to be turned off to limit the amount of data uploaded into the Xchange platform.

public class EquipmentV1CacheWriterConfig
    // Data Reader configuration
    public CacheWriterObjectConfig EquipmentConfig { get; set; } = new();

Action Processor

This configuration by default will contain a Configuration property for each action of each data object of type DefaultActionHandlerConfig. If you want to allow more configuration for your data objects, you can extend this configuration type and add additional properties.

The DefaultActionHandlerConfig property is necessary because it provides a property ProcessQueuedEvent that gives the user with a way to enable/disable that particular action from being performed by the system. A connector may contain a large number of actions for the data objects, and it's quite possible an integration is only going to need a subset of those actions. This allows the actions to be turned off to limit the amount of data processed in the Xchange platform.

public class EquipmentV1ActionProcessorConfig
    // Action Handler configuration
    [Title("Add Equipment Action handler Configuration")]
    public DefaultActionHandlerConfig AddEquipmentConfig { get; set; } = new();

Connector Registration Configuration

This object is provided by the template for you, and it contains some data objects to help get you started.

The title and description are used in the Xchange UI for clarity on what the properties are for. The Validation attributes will be used to validate the supplied configuration against the schema prior to it being used. An invalid configuration will stop the connector from fully starting with error messages indicating what was invalid in the configuration.

Dynamic Types

There are changes where your resource may contain a property in which the type is dynamic.

Hash Maps

For example you may have a data object with an optional property CustomFields and Custom fields on your system is just a hash map of string keys with values also being strings. In which case your data object for this property would look as follows:

public Dictionary<string, string>? CustomFields { get;init; }

This would produce the following schema on our platform:

"CustomFields": {
    "type": [
    "additionalProperties": {
        "type": "string"
Non String Hash Map Values

If your hash map values aren't just strings then you can change the property to Dictionary<string, object> as this will allow for any kind of value for each key.

This would produce a schema that looks as follows:

"CustomFields": {
    "type": [
    "additionalProperties": true

Fully Dynamic

If you set a property with a type of object then this produces a schema that can be anything. Doing so is not desired as it is unlikely that your target system has a record that has no structure as part of its business logic.

For example if your property on the CSharp model is as follows:

public object? CustomFields { get; init; }

This would produce the JSON schema:

"CustomFields": true

This means that the CustomFields property can be anything (null, object, array, bool, number, etc)

It is important that your schemas present what your target system produces so that integrations built with it can can more true to your available APIs.