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How to submit a Connector to Xchange

When your Connector is in a state that is ready to be used by App Xchange you can submit the Connector to be reviewed. If approved the Connector will be available on the platform. The same process is done for when updates are made to the Connector.

Running the App Xchange CLI in headless environments

The code commands also support a --token option. This option can be used when wanting to run these commands in a headless environment such as your CI/CD. In order to get a token please contact Product Enablement at

Create Submission

While in the root of the Connector project the following command can be ran to create an archive of your Connector code and submit it to Xchange for review.

xchange code submit --submitter --additional-submitter --additional-submitter

There can only be one open submission per connector at a time

Before the archive is created it will first attempt a build of your code base, if successful all the archive will contain:

  • The CS proj file
  • settings.json
  • All csharp files

Once submitted the result of the command will return a correlation ID. This ID can be used to check the status or manually close the submission if desired.

All submitters will receive an email once code submission is reviewed.

Lookup All Submissions

There are cases where you don't know your correlation ID or you want to audit your history of submissions. This can be done by using the list command. For example if you want to see all of the submissions for the connector:

xchange code list

Filters can also be added such as only listing submissions by a particular submitter

xchange code list --submitter --token *api_key*

Check Submission Status

The get command can be ran if you know the correlation ID of a submission and you want to look it up

xchange code get --correlation-id *correlation_id*

The status command can also be ran to only return back the status, this may be useful for an automation pipeline.

xchange code status --correlation-id *correlation_id*

Close Submission

The close command can be used to manually close out a submission. This could be desired due to finding out post submission that there is something more that needs to be done with the Connector.

xchange code close --correlation-id *correlation_id*

Once closed you are free to post another submission with your new changes.